Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Always Duplicated, never Replicated!!!

It's tough being a trend setter!!! August will be interesting. Cause the Original NO WAY AFFILIATED will be back in effect in BPW! And look for the BPW N.o W.ay A.ffiliated shirts coming soon from the true Under dogs of Southern California.


  1. It should be noted that the top graphic was found in a thread on the new SoCal Indy forum (http://www.socalindy.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=4) and the thread is called "Let the speculation begin..."

    This is of course pure speculation Handsome One, we don't know what Gary Yap's "NWA" stands for. For all we know it stands for "Naughty Wrestling Announcers" and it consists of Dimesac doing an Orlando Jordan-type character, wrapped in nothing but Police Line tape. Personally Dime, I like you better in the suit.

  2. "Naughty Wrestling Action" sounded alot better actually :P

  3. Mikey I'm shocked you were able to stay focused on this blog long enough to type that.

  4. Mikey why don't I see you as a follower of the the blog??

  5. Because it's not a video blog, or "vlog" as the kids say these days, on youtube?

  6. Cause I need a google account I guess. Don't feel like making one.

    Stepdaddy. You of all people would know to never underestimate the man who acts the least intelligent in the group........wait.....

  7. Wow you don't have like a minute and a half to make a google account? But no matter what time it is you can post videos on the net? Interesting! But with all joking aside this post is mere speculation.

  8. Never said I didn't have 90 seconds to spare to make a google account sir. Only said I didn't feel like making one. That's a huge difference. :P

  9. Open Auditions for a new BPW wrestler to be called "Mikey Callahan II". Hardly any experience required, must "feel like" showing support for his company.
